I don't know how long it will last, but Aly's fascination with ballet began when I took her to the
Nutcracker back in December. We really went because
I wanted to see it and had always gone with my mom... little did I know that it would captivate her the way it did! Since then, she dances everywhere she goes, she checks out books about ballerinas from the library and tries to learn the "moves", she wears her hair in "ballerina buns" everyday, and she wears a leotard and tutu
at least twice a week. Not to mention the fact that she has two invisible friends she talks to all of the time -Clara and Fritz- and the
only music we are still listening to in the car everyday (in late June) is the
Nutcracker. With all that said, we have been counting down the days until Dance Camp. I was secretly a little worried that it would be a let-down after what this girl's vivid imagination must have made it out to be, but the moment we stepped into the studio and Ms. Meredith bent down to these little girls' level and said in almost a fairy-like whisper, "Are you all ready to be beautiful ballerinas?" I could tell in Aly's eyes that we were in the right place. She hasn't been able to fall asleep at night before about 9 or 9:30 in anticipation of camp the following morning, so who knows what her state will be by this weekend... but right now she is in pure
ballerina bliss. (and finally some pictures, thanks to Shana who stopped by Monday morning!!)
Strike a pose!

Sweet Sisters (Aly, my nail-biter!)
Aly and Lizzy- Forever Friends!

Ms. Meredith- I love the way Aly is locked in! She told me after the first day, "I love her voice!"
1 comment:
you can tell aly has been practicing those poses at home ;) i LOVE it! and the one of the girls is precious. i miss them.
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