I think that the lesson that we work on DAILY at our house since Caroline has gotten old enough to play is "Taking Turns". I can see why it's so tempting for parents to buy two of everything! The latest is both girls wanting to dress up as a princess (we only have ONE dress!) This has been Aly's daily uniform for the past month, and now Caroline wants to wear it too! The other pictures are just a few from the past few days. Oddly enough, I did not take ANY pictures on Thanksgiving! We had Chad's parents, sister, brother-in-law and our niece and nephew over, along with a few players...I guess that with Aly being sick and having a house-full, I completely forgot about pictures!
My parents are coming December 24th, so the countdown has officially begun! We have an Advent calendar to count days in December...I can't decide if we're counting the days until Christmas or Nana and Papa! Can't wait to see y'all!!
Just your EVERYDAY princess...

...and Caroline's turn

Playing in the leaves (pre-pneumonia!)

Caroline getting to play with Play-doh

What kind of mom takes a picture of her sick, miserable child?!

You have to bring the girls over to rummage through our dress up closet. After 7 years of dress up, dance recitals (they even play with costumes I wore many moons ago) and hand me downs from older cousins--we have a complete mess of a dress up closet. Bring them over!! I can remember when our Cinderella outfit looked like their's. Ours is in tatters...looks like your's will be like that, too someday!
Oh my gosh..that last picture makes me want to cry! Poor baby :-( Well, sickness has been in and out of this house already and I hope it doesn't come back until next year! Ugh!
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