Caroline has been struggling with ear infections ever since December; after having both ears infected twice in 2 weeks, the doctor decided on tubes. We still haven't finished paying for Aly's tubes, but I guess that's the way it goes! Our little baby will be getting those this coming Tuesday--"TUBESday" (ha, ha!) The upside is that flying to Texas in a couple weeks should be less painful for her without all that junk built up!

Our youth group at church held a 5K race to raise money for a mission trip to Argentina this summer; Chad, the girls and I ran together, which was really fun! Rome is a hilly place, and we had to run up a monster at the end of the race; as Chad was pushing 45 lbs. of little girl plus however much our Wal-Mart jog stroller weighs up a hill at the end of a 3 mile race, Aly yelled, "Run, Daddy, run!" Chad said, "I am!" Truth be told, it was me--with no stroller to push!--who was holding us back!
By the way...many of you have asked how our friend, Shana, is feeling (she was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma last month). She ran the 5K on Saturday and finished 2nd OVERALL woman! I had asked her a couple days before if she was going to do the run or the walk, and she said, "I think I'll do the run because I just really want to give Hodgkins the finger!" Well, mission accomplished, Shana!!

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