So, I know that things will completely change once they both get a little older. But for know, Caroline
adores EVERYTHING that Aly does. And this is what I mean by
e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g: I was shaking a basketball rattle in front of Caroline, and she was kind-of smiling. Aly took it and got Caroline to start
cracking up, like a belly laugh! I took my camera out to video the laugh, and this is what I got:
I guess the things that would annoy a 30-year-old don't have the same effect on an 8-month-old.
This next video does not do justice to the way that Aly sings, but it's the best I can do--she doesn't so much get camera shy, but she gets too interested in seeing herself. This is her version of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". She usually starts out really slow and serious, then fast-forwards through the middle, to end on another slow, serious note.
Caroline has inherited Daddy's hat (along with his allergies--note the constant runny-nose!)
Aly wears this hat and pretends to be "Uncle Matt" (who is a fireman!)
1 comment:
Hi Warners! We haven't seen yall in forever, I know. Daniel became an Asst. Principal in the fall and had to quit coaching. :( He misses it tons. I just came across the email with the link to your blog and thought I would check it out. Its great! Your girls are beautiful! I'd love to catch up - email sometime if you can!
Kelly Hall from FCA Camp
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