I absolutely love that Chad coaches. More than that, I love that HE absolutely loves coaching. I have to say, though, that it is tough to think beyond each game during the season, as it is such a thought-consuming thing! We went to FCA camp as a family this summer and there was a coaches' wives Bible study I went to everyday. I looked around at some of those women whose husbands have been doing this for decades in awe at the fact that they were still sane! How do they make it through years and years of games and seasons? We played a top-10 ranked team on Saturday and lost, breaking a 6-game winning streak. I was so proud of the guys, but it's hard not to feel disappointed, even if we weren't 'supposed' to win. We play our cross-town rivals tomorrow night, which is going to be a big game. My nervousness now is different than before I had kids; it comes at different levels: first, I'm nervous that I won't get a babysitter. Then, I'm nervous about getting the girls fed, bathed, and in bed before the sitter comes. Then, I'm nervous that the kids won't go down before I leave. Then I'm nervous that because the sitter was a little late, I won't get a parking place, or a place to sit. Finally, with just minutes before the game starts, all those anxieties compound as we take the court! And then it's on to the next game! Probably much more detail than anyone really wants to know!
The first picture is of a time-out with the team on Saturday. After the game ended, I let Aly go out on the floor while I got Caroline ready to leave. When I turned around to look for her, I found her sitting on Chad's lap during his radio interview! The last picure is how we find Caroline everytime we go to get her up from her crib: all smiles!

So precious! You have beautiful and adorable little girls:) I've always thought you've held yourself together very well and have stayed positive through all the ups and downs a coaches life brings. I will continue to keep you and your family in prayer over the season!
Oh Karin, I just LOVED your discussion of everything you get nervous about. I can only imagine!! I died laughing seeing the pic of Aly seeking out her dad-that is so precious. I will be calling soon!
Miss you all!!
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