As basketball season goes, this time of year takes Chad away from us more than any of us would like. I am so fortunate to have a husband who makes an ENORMOUS effort to see us, no matter how exhausted it makes him! He makes a point to get up and eat breakfast with 'his girls' every morning, even when he comes in from a game or recruiting in the wee hours of the morning! (this also explains why we're all in pajamas in the majority of the pictures we take!) The girls are absolutely taken with him, as he is with them. He spends "special time" (this is what Aly calls it) with each of them, and their favorite thing is to dance with him in the kitchen. In the video below, Chad is teaching Aly to play defense (though he really hopes she opts for ballet over basketball!) The next picture is-obviously- Chad and Caroline. She is captivated by him and just gazes at him while he talks. The last two pictures are a little random--Aly was playing in some puddles after a rain--and while Caroline was napping-- last week. I just loved watching how much fun she was having.
What a great Daddy...those girls are so blessed to have such a wonderful Mommy and Daddy.
So cute!!!! My how Aly has grown!!! You and your hubby are adorable too!!! Miss you Karin!
Coach, my kid could take yours to the rack! Posterize the sista!
Bring it on Ali!
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