Wow! Time just flies! I look back at the past weeks and wonder where the time goes! I'm in mega-nesting mode and have various projects started all throughout the house: getting Jack's clothes and room ready, getting birthday things ready for Aly, staying on top of the laundry and house because it
kills me to think of leaving for the hospital with a dirty house and hampers full of dirty clothes! I know that the world
will continue to turn even if I don't get all the birth announcements stamped and addressed
before the birth, but I can't seem to turn my brain off! It just makes Chad laugh because this happens every time. The funny thing is, I'm laughing right back at him because as my mind spins about what needs to be packed and laid out for the girls when we're gone, his mind is spinning just as fast since we're in the thick of basketball season! So, with all that said, I'm posting some pictures of Jack's room and my belly. I know that these interest just a couple people, but since the couple people have been asking for these pictures, I thought I'd appease! Just as an update, the baby has dropped and I've started to dilate. If he could just hold off until after Chad's trip to Charleston and Aly's birthday on the 2nd, I'd be a much more relaxed Mama! (yeah right, who am I kidding?!)

36 weeks

Always ready for a pose
Hopscotch outside-- even in heels!
thanks for the belly pic! jack is ALMOST here!!! i cannot wait for the phone call. karin- you are ALWAYS will be this time too. we love you!
Karin- YOU ARE ALWAYS PREPARED!!!! You look so precious and so does the room! YOU ALREADY HAVE A J!!!!!!! I am still going to do one! I hope that we can come down for a little day trip once this season ends! I can't wait to see this little man. The nursery is precious!
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