Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I have to laugh when I look back at my last post when, after one snow day I wrote, "Now I'm trying to gear up for a couple more." Turns out that our entire town shut down for the week--school cancelled for the entire week, no grocery deliveries, and most businesses closed until at least Thursday. On top of a snow week at home, the stomach bug came to visit our family, starting with Jack Friday night, working it's way through the parents, then Caroline (and Jack again!) last night. I went ahead and kept Aly out of school today too, as I felt like it was the responsible thing to just go ahead and quarantine ourselves.

There are a couple silver linings to our germ-infested prison:
1. Our washing machine broke down last Sunday, right as the snow began to fall. We, of course, couldn't leave our house to buy a new one until Thursday...just in time for load-after-load of throw-up-smelling towels and sheets! Praise the Lord this bug didn't visit a few days earlier!

2. Chad was out of town a few days last week. As he was cleaning Jack while I was bathing Caroline around 2am this morning, I had to praise the Lord again that this happened while he was at home with us! Nothing says, "TEAM" like early-morning-multiple-vomit-cleanup.

So, if my predictions are correct, Aly should wake up in the middle of the night tonight, get sick, stay home tomorrow...and then we'll be finished? Right? We'll see. But above all else, I'm thankful that the worse is behind us. (Quick! Knock on wood!!)

1 comment:

coco said...

oh noooooooo! when it rains, it pours, get well soon, warners.