While Lance Armstrong has finished up yet another Tour
de France, the
Warners are are still in the middle of our month-long trip around at least a little bit of
this country. It all started at the end of June when I had the chance to go to Houston for my friends' college reunion. These are the six girls that I spent almost all my time with in college, who try to get together every year. Due to kids and moving, I haven't had the chance to see them for the past several years. This year, however, they were generous enough to go in together and make sure I came. We had a blast doing what we do best: hanging out and talking!
Shortly after my trip to Houston, we loaded up and headed to Louisville, KY for the wedding of our good friends, Blake and Bennett. It was a gorgeous wedding, the girls stayed up dancing to the band until midnight, and
Aly was convinced that she was the bride (although she was
actually a flower girl!)
Two days after returning from Louisville, Chad headed to Orlando to recruit while I took the girls on our annual trip to my parents' house in Syracuse, NY. The difference this year was that I left them with my parents for almost an entire week on their own!
Chad and I then met in Montana and spent the week with 30 college kids from his college for a Christian leadership camp. We had a blast hiking, visiting Yellowstone, and tubing down a
cold river. I did not have the best attitude going into the trip (mostly because I had never left the girls that long!), but it was really a great time. And it was great hanging out with all of those kids in Montana.
Chad and I then returned (on lots of separate flights!) back to Syracuse, where we've gotten to spend a ton of great time with my parents and the girls. They had a blast while we were gone at the zoo, the beach, a petting zoo and more. Luckily, they barely seemed to notice that we were gone! We'll be heading back to Georgia tomorrow, but have loved every minute of our busy month away!
College friends in Houston
A pre-wedding hug
The blushing...flower girl!

Sweet girl

Atop a high mountain...
The group atop another high mountain!

Sulphur lakes in Yellowstone

A picnic at the park
Rock-climbing...in the park


...with Nana and Papa