Aly had her Christmas program on Thursday. It's funny, because at home she is such a performer; she sings into anything she can get her hand on, dances around, and yells, "Ladies and Gentleman!" But on Thursday during the 2-year-old's single performance, she stood there! But what a cutie, stage fright and all!
I took the girls on a little trip to Nashville this weekend. Chad had a tournament (we only made it to about a half of one game!), but I got to spend the weekend with my best friend from Farmville, Cortney, and three-fourths of her kids! Her parents live there, so we stayed with them and just had a ball catching up and hanging out! I just have to laugh when I think of the two of us driving through her parents' beautifully lit neighborhood with a car packed with kids- the two of us belting out Christmas songs while the kids yelled, "Can we turn the movie back on?!" Ahh, Christmas memories for everyone!
Lillie Claire, Lizzy, and Aly...pre-performance

Mama, Daddy, and our little 'show-stopper'
The "Two's"
Caroline, Emma, and Aly (in Nashville)

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