On Saturday, we took a trip to a strawberry farm. Last year, we were able to enjoy the trip and escape tear-free. This year was different, however. Caroline was still feeling pretty bad from her bout with strep throat, so she was hot and a little fussy from the get-go (who could blame her?) Aly did great until it was time for a taste of the homemade strawberry ice cream: we bought one and she suddenly became Selfish Aly and was appalled at the idea of having to share her ice cream with Chad and me. Then, she very two-year-old-ly voiced her opinion that she would rather stay at the strawberry patch rather than getting in the car to drive home. It was hot and nearing dinnertime, but did every person in the parking lot have to stop what they were doing and stare at us?! We were able to make it home by singing thousands of verses of "Old McDonald had a farm" (my c.d. player in the car doesn't work), but we won't be taking another trip to the strawberry farm this season. I have to laugh when I look at this first 'family' picture as it brings back memories of the disFUNctional afternoon:

This last picture is that of the girls and Chad on the front porch swing, all in better moods.

The praying video of Aly is absolutely hysterical!!!! Such a cute fam! Sorry to hear of the temper tantrum in the middle of the parking lot! She'll grow out of it!!! :)
Oh my goodness, those videos are too cute! Isn't it precious to see them interacting? I swear, no one can make Carter laugh like his big brother and vice versa :-)So cute!
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