Nana and Papa, my parents, came into town this past week; we had such a nice, long visit. It made me realize that no matter how close or far away they are and regardless of how often we see them, a grandparent is just special, and a relationship that just stands apart from others. From the moment they got here the girls took to them- Aly would walk from room to room commanding, "C'mon, Papa!" and would climb up on Nana's lap as she ate her breakfast.
Caroline was baptized last Sunday, and then we had a belated birthday party for Aly that afternoon. Both sets of grandparents, Aunt Elizabeth, and Warner and William (the cousins) celebrated both events with us. Other than that, we did the usual: basketball games and playing with the girls. Aly practiced her favorite word, "NO!", and Caroline howled in her crib as she would roll onto her stomach and wake herself up. But with other people in the house to talk to, even those things weren't quite so maddening!
The first picture is of the four of us before the baptism; after that are a couple of pictures of the girls with Nana and Papa. The black and white is a picture that I took of Chad and Caroline, and then remembered that I had a very similar one of him and Aly. The video is of Caroline's means of transportation: rolling!

The two pictures of your girls with Chad are absolutely precious!!!! I can't say it enough, you are an adorable family! I just hope that someday I will have a cute fam too!!! (not anytime soon)
Hey! I love the video of C rolling around! Isn't that such a cute age? It's amazing how similar those 2 pictures of Chad with the girls are. So precious! Love you!
Love all the pics. I am sure your parents just love the time they spend with your girls...and it's somewhat of a break for you as well:) The pics of chad with the girls are too precious. We have a few of those de ja vus as well! Miss you!!
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