Sunday, July 17, 2011

Vacation Bible School

Just a quick picture to explain why, though I've been on my computer every possible free minute since about April, I haven't posted more than just a few times to this blog:

This past week, our church had our annual VBS and this year, I had the privilege to "direct" it. 90 volunteers came together to make it a memorable week. As fun as it was, it was so nice today to sit, relax, and not think about one thing, not one to-do list.

Chad took each morning off of work to help out. I so wish that I had a picture of his alter-ego throughout the week: a break-dancing, egg juggling, basketball-goal-swinging guy named "Bustin Jeeber" who wore my (knock-off) Uggs, my puffy black vest and cowboy hat, and some basketball shorts from about 1994. It was simply hilarious to hear 250+ kids chanting "Jeeber" every morning! I have no picture of Bustin Jeeber, but I do love this picture of Chad and his girls:

Now, onto packing for a much-anticipated, long-awaited trip to Nana and Papa's!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

A few "firsts"...

...from the past month:
Going, going...


A haircut (much to his grandmother's dismay!)

Friday, July 1, 2011

The Good Ol' Summertime

You've gotta love summer. Long days, lazy mornings, plenty of time for catching up with kids. (although that same list of long days, lazy mornings, and plenty of time can also result in crazy parents!) But when I look back on summers with young kids, I'm almost positive that I'm going to remember them like this:

Cuddling with Daddy before work

Lemonade Stands

Boo-Boos and Black Eyes

Long-Awaited Summer Dance Camp

Afternoons at the Fountains

Although life can be tiring with kids this age, I know that life will always make me tired. That's Life! How blessed I feel to have 4 precious people to share that exhaustion with!