By the end of February, I hate basketball season. That may be a little strong, but I'm definitely sick of it. But it's funny how God seems to give me a short memory because here, on November 6th, I am so excited that the season is finally here! After months of conditioning and practicing, we are all so excited to just see these boys play.
We had a tournament with games both Friday and Saturday night; though I hired a babysitter for both games, I surprised the girls and took them to the game Friday night. With a start time an hour past bedtime, you can imagine how exhausted they both were at the end of the game when I tried to take this picture:

They were so excited, though, to surprise Chad at the first game of the season...and it was definitely worth it. The Hawks pulled off a 106-47 victory. Our personal victory was the fact that these two girls sat, colored, and drew for the entire game! My, how things have changed in just a few short years!
We also won the game tonight; not a bad way to start off the season! My prayer is that we can continue to feel as fresh and excited in February as we feel this weekend. Go Hawks!