My parents' house. It has come to be a trip that we talk about months before we leave and talk about memories months after we return. It is cool, relaxing, full of new adventures, and best of all--the home of Nana and Papa. I love watching my parents with the kids (and I
love the 2 extra sets of hands!)

I took the kids for a week, and then was joined for almost another week by Chad. And the biggest treat was that my brother Chris, sister-in-law Cortney, and amazingly precious nephew Ben joined us for part of the time.

I cannot do justice to
Cortney's account and the way she described our family time on her blog.
Despite a few illnesses (and by "a few" I mean strep throat, hand-foot-mouth, stomach bug, ear infection), we enjoyed and took advantage of each and every day. We even squeezed in a mini-birthday celebration for Caroline!

When I taught 6th grade, we would begin Monday mornings talking about The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly of the weekend. Our list of The
Good for this trip is entirely too long to note. The
Bad was probably the flight delay and late arrival back to Atlanta. And I just
have to include the trip's
Ugly: Caroline had been battling an ear infection all week. While on the flight back, she was complaining about her ear hurting, but the lights in the plane were off and little I could do. Once we landed (after midnight) and the cabin lights turned on, this is what I saw:

Actually, this was after a little cleaning. The poor girl! And you can only imagine the looks that I got from every passenger as they de-planed!
But don't get me wrong...I would trade a year of 'Bad's and 'Ugly's for the 2 weeks of Good that we had!