I guess that now that school is out, I seem to find the camera in my hand a lot more often; maybe it also has to do with finally settling into a normal routine with 3 kids! Here are just a few shots from our events over the past few days:
A visit from the cousins. Aly and Caroline totally look up to Warner and William and stood at the door all morning on Sunday waiting on them. Caroline took out her binoculars and, looking through them, yelled repeatedly, "Warner, William!!" They arrived about an hour later!

This is how I find Jack every time that he naps. He LOVES this blanket, but surely this can't be good, right?!

Our sweet, hilarious Caroline. Truly a non-stop source of entertainment. This morning, she and Aly were playing in their room when all of a sudden I heard her wailing. I ran back there and tried to translate between her hysterical sobs but all I could get was "glass slipper" and "booger". With the help of some tweezers, this is what I found crammed up her nose. Yes, babe... quite the booger you've got there.

Aly has really been working on giving up her thumb-sucking, and has gone almost a week without it. Caroline said she was ready for the Paci-fairy to come tonight, so we kissed it good-bye and left it in a treasure box.

She is quite addicted to her paci. The poor thing was awake until at least 9:15 just struggling (her bedtime is 7). I felt like we were in an episode of "Celebrity Rehab"! But, the Paci-fairy didn't disappoint and brought the girls sleeping bags for breaking their "addictions"!

I realize that the majority of this post is about Caroline...here's a video to end on:
Caroline, the Fairy Godmother. (singing "Bibbidy-Bobbidy-Boo")